Is Your Air Conditioning Leaking?

On a normal day, you are enjoying the convenience of your air conditioning unit when a drop of water comes down uninvited. Your air conditioner is leaking not because it’s chilly, but because there’s something wrong.

Water leaking from air conditioning units is one of the most common problems of homeowners. If left unsolved, it can damage the entire air conditioning unit. It would cost you thousands of dollars in repairs. It would also damage your house. There are few causes that contribute to water leakage. Luckily, there are ways to solve these problems.

1.     Temperature is too chilly.

One of the basic causes of water leakage is a freezing temperature. When it’s hot and humid outside, your AC unit is likely on full blast. However, turning the thermostat to freezing temperatures can contribute to water leakage. Avoid turning the thermostat to extreme temperatures. It can cause the air conditioning unit to degenerate a little earlier than expected.


2.     Filters are dirty.

Dirty air conditioning filters can also contribute to water leakage. Dirty filters disrupt air flow, leading to a temperature drop. While the temperature drop is a good sign on a scorching summer, it should not be enjoyed. This is because the coil will eventually start freezing. Once the air conditioning unit is turned off, the accumulated ice from the coil will melt. The drip tray can only accommodate a certain volume, thus leading to water leakage. Solution? Clean the filters. This requires manual work that can be done by anyone in the home.

3.     Drain line is clogged.

A clogged drain line happens when larger air particulates such as pollen, mold, and debris accumulates. This delays the water from flowing out of the air conditioning unit. To clean the drain line, do the following:

  • Turn off the Air conditioning unit.
  • Locate the drain line. It is usually  outside, next to the condenser unit.
  • Using a stiff thin wire brush, brush into the drain line until you reach the end. Patience is needed, depending on how clogged your drain line is.
  • You can use a wet/dry vacuum to extract the accumulated clog at the end of the drain line. Attach the vacuum at the end, secured with  tape. Do it for at least a minute or two, then remove the vacuum afterwards.
  • If the drain pan is filled with water, clean it with soap and water.
  • Find the vent tee. This is the pipe that connect the AC drain line to the tray. Remove the cap from the vent tee.
  • Push the stiff brush the same way you did for step 3 down the drain line.
  • Pour a mixture of bleach and water into the top of the drain pipe. Ensure that you follow the proportion for this matter. One cup of diluted water and bleach would suffice.
  • Check to see if the water drains out of the drain line.
  • Pour the  water into the vent tee and ensure that it does go all the way through the drain line. If it does, then job well done!

There are other problems that can contribute to an air conditioning leaking like broken pumps, improper installation, and poor maintenance. Now, these do not need manual work. They need professional work. To solve this, call the nearest air conditioner cleaning and repair servicer for help.



ECM Air Conditioning, with its headquarters located in Boynton Beach, FL, provides air conditioning services within Palm Beach County, Broward County, Martin County, and St. Lucie County. If you’re looking to have a new HVAC system installed, we’re on-call and ready to assist you. So if you’re in need of an HVAC installation, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule an inspection! Our HVAC installation experts will check your ductwork, measure, check wire sizes, and more before making recommendations to ensure maximum efficiency and comfort. Call us at 561-295-1763 or contact our HVAC installation team online by clicking here.


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