Do You Have a Water Leak?
We Find Your Leaks With The Most Sophisticated Training and Methodology In The Industry!
If you suddenly find you have a LARGE WATER BILL or you actually SEE WATER POOLING somewhere around your home or water stains running down a wall, coming out of the floor, toilet or any other place in your home, you need to call ECM and let our expert plumbers find the location of the leak in your home. Even though you detect water in one location of your home, the source of the actual leak may be in an entirely different location.
Underground Leak Detection
ECM offers an expanded array of leak detection services to meet the needs of even the toughest plumbing problems. Using the latest plumbing technology, ECM can perform underground leak and line detection as well as main sewer line clean outs. Video cameras mounted on cables are used to thoroughly inspect the inside of drain lines and photographically show the location and cause of a clog. This allows ECM to provide the best plumbing solution at the best price. ECM’s plumbing experts want to make sure your plumbing problems are resolved the first time for a long time and not just perform an easy repair for the short-term.
Determining the Origin of the Water Leak
- Turn off any faucets and fixtures using water in your home to make sure no water is being used.
- Find the water meter box for your home. This is usually in a covered box near the front of your home, next to the property line.
- Once you locate the box, open the meter to see if any of the needles are spinning. This meter is usually shaped like a triangle. It is the most important. This is the meter that indicates a leak. If the needles are spinning on this one, water is flowing through the meter and you have a leak.
- If the needles do not seem to be spinning, you may still have a leak, but cannot see it right away because the needles are spinning slowly. So, write down the meter reading and go back inside your home.
- Wait anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Do not use any water in your home this includes flushing a toilet, turning on a faucet or using any appliance or equipment that requires water to function.
- After 30 to 60 minutes, go back out to the meter and check the meter reading. If the reading has changed, you have a slow leak.
Obvious Water Leaks
When you can actually see that water is pooling or leaking from an area in or around your home, this is the time to immediately call ECM. Visible water leaks are not always what they seem. Even though you see pooled water, the actual leak may be coming from another location and if the leak is not fixed, it can cause multiple leaks. It is important to call ECM’s expert technicians as soon as possible to find the source of the leak to prevent major damage. ECM’s plumbing experts will use the latest techniques in leak detection to determine any leaks in your home and get them repaired as fast as possible.
Acoustic Electronic Line & Leak Detection
ECM uses the latest in acoustic electronic leak detection devices to pinpoint the source of a leak immediately. By correlating two established listening points, ECM plumbing experts can determine the exact location between the two points where a leak exists.
Video Thermography Service
Thermal imaging technology is another option ECM plumbing experts may choose to locate a leak in your home. Thermography is the use of an infrared imaging camera that sees and measures the thermal energy emitted from an object like water. Water energy can be easily detected and determined by the use of thermography.