2024 Hurricane Season

When Does the 2024 Hurricane Season Begin?

The hurricane season is the period in which tropical storms and hurricanes have a high likelihood of forming and causing immense devastation. For instance, on August 24, 1992, Hurricane Andrew caused colossal destruction, ravaging Homestead, Florida, taking 65 lives, and costing $27 billion in affected regions overall. Mark Your Calendar: 2024 Hurricane Season Start Date Hurricane …

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what is a storm surge in a hurricane

Understanding the Science of Storm Surges in Hurricanes

During a hurricane, there is an increase in sea level known as a storm surge. The surge is caused by the wind and low pressure of the storm, which pushes water toward the shore. Coastal regions may experience flooding due to this phenomenon, which poses a significant threat to areas with low elevation. The size …

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Hurricane Season in Florida

When is Hurricane Season in Florida?

According to the National Hurricane Center, Florida has the most hurricanes. This is mostly due to its location. Hence, citizens must be aware every year and prepare themselves for possible storms, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. So when is hurricane season in Florida? What to Anticipate There are two types of hurricane seasons in the US. …

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Effects of Storm Surge

Guideline for Weathering the Effects of Storm Surge

During hurricane season, a storm surge is one of the hazards you need to anticipate. When it happens, things can escalate in mere seconds. It would be hard to survive a big storm surge if you haven’t properly prepared yourself for it. What are the Effects of Storm Surge? A storm surge is seawater that …

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what is a storm surge

What Is A Storm Surge?

As the 2021 hurricane season approaches, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has warned us to be cautious of its effects. A storm surge happens to be one of them. If you are living near the coast, you should pay attention to this issue because it can be disastrous. Get yourself well-informed regarding this …

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