Indoor pollution is more than a pressing concern; it is an alarming reality that everyone has the burden of bearing. According to the World Health Organization, indoor and outdoor air pollution cause about 7 million deaths per year worldwide. Granted, there are many factors involved in this issue, but something as simple as neglecting regular AC maintenance may contribute to the decline of indoor air quality, which could affect the health of you and your family. It is important to take responsibility to ensure the well-being of everyone who lives in your home.
So how do you maintain your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) unit? How do you clean the air ducts, and why is it so important to do so?
Benefits of AC Maintenance
● Healthier and more comfortable environment
A dirty and unclean HVAC unit elevates the risk of allergy and asthma attacks. This is a source of indoor air pollution and is a threat to all. Regular maintenance will ensure better air quality to reduce these risks.
● Mitigates expenses on utilities
Dismissing HVAC maintenance is a sure way to prompt bigger problems in the future. Constant use of these units facilitates the growth and proliferation of various microorganisms and bacteria, which eventually leads to the unit becoming clogged. Not only that, but there is also potential for compression damage, gas leaks, and even problems with the furnace. Therefore, maintaining your HVAC unit helps you cut your costs on repairs and utilities.
● Increases the efficiency of energy
Regular AC maintenance services include cleaning the blades of the unit and inspecting the cooling coils. These coils, if not well taken care of, start emitting hotter air and using more energy. Regular maintenance allows it to work at its prime, making it exhale cooler air while using less energy.
AC Maintenance Basics
Maintaining your own HVAC may seem like a challenge. The hurdle of how to clean air ducts may seem burdensome, but it is definitely not insurmountable. Follow the steps below, and you’ll be good to go!
● Cover and protect the supply registers
Before doing anything else, open up your unit and loosely cover the supply registers with cloths or paper towels to prevent the dust from flying around.
● Make sure the fan is turned on and secure the filter
The dust from the unit must be removed in order to clean the unit. To do this, the fan must be turned on. This allows the dust to loosen up, and helps it move along. Avoid letting the dust get sucked back into the fan by making sure that your filters are in place.
● Start cleaning the supply registers and then clean the return air registers
Using your vacuum, first capture the dust from the fan, then reach as far back into the register as you can. Be careful when doing so, and finish by brushing against the supply registers. The air registers should come next. Brush against them too, and just as you did with the supply register, reach as far back as you can.
● Follow this by cleaning out the blower compartment and replace the furnace filter if needed
Shut the fan off before proceeding to clean out the blower. This compartment is where most of the dust is found. The furnace fan is also located in this area, so make sure to give it a good cleaning as well. It is also best to buy a new filter at this point to ensure the quality of air in your home.
Learning how to clean air ducts is indeed a big responsibility, so asking for the help of experts is a good idea. Professionals will see and repair any underlying problems that your unit is facing. They have all the right equipment and, most importantly, know what they are doing.
HVAC units are a common household appliance, and for good reason. They help keep homes cool and dry and provide comfort. However, the maintenance of these units is extremely important. It is better to invest in preserving your current unit than in purchasing a new one.