Each air purifying system has a mechanism that reduces air contaminants. They also have different types of pollutants that they each can handle. Below, you will learn more about how do air purifiers work, and the various features.
1 – Filtration Screen
Air that comes into the purifier machine will pass through a filter. The porous screen will allow the air to keep going while the fine dust will get caught. Air filters come in various materials and pore sizes. Smaller pores, undoubtedly, equal more effective filtration.
If you use this type of air purifier, replace the filter every six months. The retained dirt will build up in the filter and eventually reduce the air purifier’s performance. The filters will also become dirtier more quickly.
So make sure to do a maintenance check every once in a while. Filtration screens are present in almost any air purifier system. They are low-cost yet effective in reducing large amounts of air contaminants.
2 – UV-C Light
Ultraviolet C can penetrate cells and destroy their core. Hence, this air purifier will effectively treat microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and mold—air purifiers with UV-C light work by sucking up the air and blowing it through the UV-C lamp. After getting enough exposure to the light, the machine will push the air out again. The UV-C light will kill most microorganisms, leaving you with cleaner air to breathe.
One major advantage of using a UV-C air purifier is that it does not produce any ozone. Ozone is a gas that can harm your health if exposed to it for too long. Some air purifiers use ozone to clean the air, but this can be dangerous, especially for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions. UV-C air purifiers are much safer because they don’t produce any ozone.
If you’re looking for an effective way to improve the air quality in your home, a UV-C air purifier is a great choice. These devices are becoming more popular and for a good reason. They’re safe, effective, and don’t produce any ozone. So if you’re concerned about the air quality in your home, a UV-C air purifier is a great way to improve it.
In addition to the cells of microorganisms, UV-C can also harm human cells, especially the skin and eyes. Therefore, people should be careful and avoid direct exposure to light. To prevent such an incident, manufacturers always plant the UV-C light inside the machine.
3 – Ionizer Charge
While other systems of air purifiers passively wait inside the machine for the air to pass through, the ionizer air purifier goes all aggressively. As a result, the technology releases electrical ions that can charge various types of contaminants.
The contaminants can be anything, from dust to pollen, dander, smoke, and even viruses. So when the ions come in contact with them, they start to stick together. This way, they eventually become too heavy to stay airborne and thus fall on the ground or any other surface.
This process is not just limited to trapping the contaminants but also killing them. The electrical charge of the ions disrupts the cellular structure of the contaminants. As a result, they are unable to reproduce and eventually die. Thus, an ionizer air purifier can not only cleanse the air but also sterilize it to some extent.
Once charged, the ion will unite with the contaminant. This reaction results in heavier molecules falling to the floor surface. As a result, using an ionizer air purifier will require you to sweep or vacuum the floor regularly.
4 – Activated Carbon
Carbon molecules can capture air pollutants that cause odors. Compared to regular carbon, the activated one is more effective for air purifying. The activated carbon comes in powdered form in a packet. As the air passes through, the filter packet will absorb the contaminants, resulting in cleaner air at the end of the line. Different carbon filters exist, such as granular activated carbon (GAC) and solid block carbon (SBC).
There are several methods of creating activated carbon. The most common is physical activation, which involves subjecting the carbon to high temperatures in an inert atmosphere. This opens up the pores in the carbon structure, allowing it to adsorb more contaminants. Chemical activation also creates pores in the carbon. Still, it does so through chemicals like chlorine or zinc chloride. This method is less common than physical activation.
The size of the pores in activated carbon is important for its effectiveness. The smaller the pores, the more surface area there is for adsorption. However, if the pores are too small, the carbon can become saturated quickly and must be replaced more often.
Activated carbon filters are typically used in industrial settings, like water treatment plants. However, they can also be used in home air purifiers. When used in an air purifier, activated carbon filters can remove various contaminants, including tobacco smoke, cooking odors, and chemicals from cleaning products.
Air purifiers with activated carbon also effectively remove smoke and allergens from the indoor air. Therefore, this model is the most suitable to use when any smoke is present in a room.
It is helpful to understand how air purifiers work if you plan to buy one. You will know which system to buy based on the indoor air quality of your property. In the market, air purifiers combine two or more systems to improve their effectiveness. Although such products tend to cost more, the indoor air quality they bring will be worth it.
ECM Air Conditioning, with its headquarters located in Boynton Beach, FL, provides air conditioning services within Palm Beach County, Broward County, Martin County, and St. Lucie County. If you’re looking to have a new HVAC system installed, we’re on-call and ready to assist you. So if you’re in need of an HVAC installation, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule an inspection! Our HVAC installation experts will check your ductwork, measure, check wire sizes, and more before making recommendations to ensure maximum efficiency and comfort. Call us at 561-295-1763 or contact our HVAC installation team online by clicking here.